SimplePie Git Repository

Want to take a look at our in-development code? You can view the files on the web, or download them with a Git client like msysgit or GitX. A couple of notes:
- The master version is always changing. We try to maintain a relatively stable trunk at all times, but sometimes stuff is just broken.
- We only support the current "official" release and the very latest master build. If a bug exists in a master build, make sure you're running the very latest build before reporting it.
- You have read-only access to the repository. You do not have the ability to commit changes, although patches and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome at our bug tracker.
- New features may not be documented. Function documentation for the trunk build is available, however if you have a question about how something should work, ask in support mailing list.
- Get the latest development code. Grab it from Git or download as a tarball.
Get Involved!
SimplePie is an open-source project, and we encourage anyone who is interested to get more involved. Here are some links for getting more involved.
- Documentation Wiki — The wiki is loaded with documentation, tutorials, code samples and other bits of information contributed by the SimplePie community.
- SimplePie Support List — Whether you actually need support or not, there's a TON you can learn about using SimplePie simply by subscribing to the mailing list and reading what comes through.
- SimplePie Development List — This is the development-related mailing list. This is NOT for support issues, but rather for discussions about SimplePie as a development project.
- Bug Tracker — This is where we keep track of bugs and feature requests for all SimplePie-related projects.
- IRC Chat — Sometimes questions or issues need a more immediate response, and for that we have our IRC Channel. Looking for an IRC client? We recommend Colloquy for Mac OS X and mIRC for Windows.
Socially Attuned
Add SimplePie as a friend on these popular online services!
- MySpace — Add us as a friend on this hugely popular social network.
- Facebook — Join the SimplePie group on Facebook.
- Viddler — Videos we've been uploading, including screencasts and such.
- YouTube — SimplePie on the world's most popular video sharing service.
- Twitter — Keep track of new development by following us.